ICC Christmas lights

You wouldn't believe how cold it's been in HK, the woollies are out big time. At least that blessed rain has stopped and the sun's been doing it's thing.

Martin set off for 2 days of camping with Roberto and Elizabeth and I stayed home (yay)!!!! I shall join them tomorrow. They're mad I think .... It's freezing, about 11C and they'll be sleeping outside. And tomorrow I shall be mad too ... Why did it stop raining?????????

Anyway, I got plenty done today and feeling so relieved so might just enjoy being away from civilisation for a day, it really is always good fun. Just don't like the cold. As much as it is lovely to have changes in temps, homes in HK are just not built for it. There's no central heating and often it's colder inside the house than outside!

Here's the ICC with a cute Christmas display. The picture changes every few seconds, I caught it with the stocking, star, gingerbread man and bell!! Loved watching them move across the building.

Going to really enjoy my sleep tonight as I think about my darling out there in the cold, brrrr.

School holidays start tomorrow, yay.

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