Louise - Changing Natures

By louisemac

All stations green for go...

A momentous day for us types that dwell during working hours at the west end of Edinburgh, so only one option for my blip today.

The revamped Haymarket train station opened to the public today. Well, it's never actually been closed - simply that the incredible scale of building work has gone on around us as we commuted daily. It looks really fantastic - airy and bright. Some work remains, with full completion by April, but it's already a huge improvement. Top marks to all involved - on time and on budget - but delighted to report that the best part of Haymarket station - the wonderfully kind and often hilarious staff - are still on top form!

In other news, great meetings today with loads of ideas discussed - including one with a very kind someone who gave me edible reindeer poo as a present.... I like it :)

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