
By tadpoleview

Blue skies, soggy ground!

I was planning to go flying today, without a passenger, in order to do some extra practice on the landings. The forecast was for it to be a bit windy, but not too bad but earlier this week I really thought that I would not get aloft. Again the forecast was that the period I had got booked between 12 and 2 was to be the best bit of the day.

As it turned out today dawned bright and lovely and at least at home the wind looked within reasonable bounds. When I got to the airfield I found that the wind was a bit stronger than it appeared at home, and diagonally between the runways.
So with an element of crosswind on which ever runway I chose I opted for the driest one, as it makes it easier to get airborne if you are not stuck in the mud!

To say that the air was 'lively' would not be exaggerating, and so after a planned fly over of the runway at circuit height, and then an approach and overshoot I elected to land on the third circuit and call it day. There are times to extend your experience, and other times to be wise and limit new 'adventures'!

I'm glad I went up today, and was equally glad to be back on the ground afterwards, especially as the clouds were starting to pile up as I left the airfield.

The picture shows the aircraft back in its parking position, and a clue about just how wet the ground was too. Quite slippery when pulling it back into position - really missed the passengers help here! Missed my normal passengers weight in the aircraft too as being lighter it climbed much more quickly! Enough said!

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