These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

Late night visitor

Chris stopped by late tonight to do some computer work for us. The work was frustrating, but he really enjoyed trying out his new bike and equipment to come over and see us.

I've been realizing the benefits of having my sister and her family so close!

1. When we go over for a 20 minute play date, I don't even worry about shoes on the kids.

2. We are able to help each other out with the children on spur of the moment situations!

3. We have a built in computer guy who lives just a bike ride away!

We had a fun day today, play play playing... and I pulled out some chicken stock my dad had made and had some yummy chicken noodle soup for dinner! What a treat! Later this week, my goal is to roast a chicken.. and that's not something I'm used to doing!

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