Christmas dinner?

Today's blip is a bit of a homage to Cathaber's blip yesterday. Of course her sprouts were real. But this is as close as I want to get to a mountain of sprouts. These were found as part of a Christmas display at the White Stuff store on George Street.

I'm a bit of a child when it comes to sprouts. Mum makes me eat one with my Christmas dinner. I always see if I can find the smallest one. Jane tried to make them edible one year by smothering them in butter and bacon bits. It didn't work!

Today was a bit of an annoying day for me. I settled down to wrap my presents, only to find I had no Sellotape. I couldn't venture out to get some as I was waiting in for a package. It was delivered at 4.30pm and it turned out that I didn't like what I'd ordered. So I ended up going into town to return it. What a blooming waste of a day. I did get some Sellotape in town though, so I can wrap presents later. Edinburgh was crazy busy today, so I'm so pleased I'm back home again in the warm tonight.

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