Smile on!

By Silverpritt

Let it snow

First major snowfall of the season, and it had to fall on OO's preschool Christmas concert day. Yesterday we all kept our fingers crossed for no snow, so the kiddies can show off their hard work (I heard they've been practicing for months!) in front of their proud parents.

This morning I anxiously checked email for the fate of the concert. Understandably, it had to be cancelled for safety reasons. Vancouverites are really inept at driving in snow, and the whole city practically shuts down at the sight of this white stuff. I for one have no desire to play Russian Roulette on the road with cars that have bald tires or drivers who have no snow sense. So OO and I stayed home while DH braved the snow to go to work. This is called dedication...

OO was sad for 2 seconds when I told her the party has been called off. When she realized she got to stay home with me and play with snow, she was super excited like the concert didn't matter... It's parents like me who have vested interest in the event, because we stayed up late to prepare goodies and presents for buddies and teachers, that were most disappointed.

Hopefully there will be a re-run of their show. :-)

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