Another Misty Morning Light . . . . . .

Well since I'm on a roll with these early morning shots. Here's one more. This is a view I've taken before, but the light always seems to be different. Sometimes it's gold, or gray or magenta - just never know until I make the turn in the morning. I can almost always guarantee mist or fog though living near the swamps.

I did manage to capture a Swallowtail though but decided against using it as my blip for today because I figure Critter Crazy would shoot me. We were out chasing butterflies at break this morning with our cameras and we've found a spot where they seem to hang out. I managed a few shots, but CC was chasing around several different species with her eye on the big yellow Swallowtail which I don't think she managed to capture because it wouldn't stay still. I managed this shot at the end of the day leaving work and it was at the end of the driveway when I saw this flitting about. So . . . . . . I'll hear about it tomorrow.

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