Journey Through Time

By Sue

He's Back! (She?)

We were happy to see the Red-Bellied Sapsucker back on the big fir tree. I opened the sliding glass door to listen to the birds as there was a lot of activity for awhile today and I heard, tap, tap, tappity, tap...and lo and behold, there it was.... They hug these trees and my hat is off to all of you who can get good woodpecker photos.

Countdown to Christmas is in full swing. Cleaning is getting is mostly done - both gift and grocery. Menu is planned (Ham dinner), pies have been ordered (goody, I don't have to bake pies anyway) and gifts have been organized.. - --these for Christmas Eve with Bill's brother's family and those for Christmas Day with just my aunt and David.

Anyway....back to the chores. See ya when I can. I hope all of you have a wonderful Christmas.

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