
By duchamp

Goat Dreams

And a top 10 of goat facts...

1. Goats were the first animals domesticated by man in 10,000 B.C

2. Coffee was first discovered when goat herders noticed the animals
acting very energetic after nibbling on coffee beans.

3. More people eat and drink milk from goats than any other animal.

4. The pupils of a goats eyes are rectangular (as are octopus).

5. Goats don't like to get wet and prefer to seek shelter when raining.

6. The Pharaoh Cephranes had 2,234 of his goats buried with him.

7. In earlier centuries, goats were often used to nurse babies.

8. Mountain goats can jump nearly 12 feet (3.5 meters) in a single bound.

9. Goats are one of the cleanliest animals being much more selective
feeders than cows, sheep, pigs and even dogs.

10. China has the most goats (over 170 Million).

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