Snapshots of rural France

By SuzB

overnight rain

We were lucky this week as the local council guys came and fixed the entrance to our driveway. We were waiting for rain to test whether the rain went through the driveway as it has done for a while, making lines and holes in our driveway, but no it is fine! so now we can get some in to fix the driveway!

So my arctic butterfly arrived yesterday and I have cleaned my sensor. I am very happy with the results!
thanks very much those of you who helped with your recommendations!

This is a patio chair with raindrops making bokeh when using the 50mm on f1,8

We played chess for the first time in ages last night and this morning we had a lazy lie in...

Hope you like the photo and are having a nice weekend.

and ps thank you so much for your lovely comments, stars and hearts on yesterday's solstice sunrise, it went into the spotlight!

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