The bubble

By Phini

Mom doesn't do minimalist

Mom has today bought a new Christmas tree. The last one broke at the top. She was very upset so Dad sent her to fetch binding tape from her potting shed. When she returned up the garden the tree was lying horizontally with my dad lying underneath it.

The tree had collapsed again, this time at the base due to moms over load of decs. Unfortunately she did not at the time think to take a photo of this hilarious scene because at first she was terrified and thought dad had collapsed and then angry that the tree had broken.

Here is her new tree, she sent me a photo of all the baubles left over from the previous tree which was smaller!!! Which she has not put on this tree as she didn't want up make the mistake again of over loading it (!!) I do fight it but I know I too have inherited the can't do minimalist gene also.

Sorry trees x

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