Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal


Woke up late today after a great night with M&C. Had a nice bacon sandwich before leaving and coming home.
Went up town to get a few things for Xmas. Got our new camera from Santa for the both of us. An Olympus O-MD5. Can't wait till Xmas day to play with it. Also managed to get some new cocktail glasses, which I'm sure will be heavily used over the Xmas period, with the Love to Shop vouchers I got from work.
Back to the home to get things ready and to watch the Strictly Final we missed last night. Managed to get most of the present wrapped at the same time.
It was then time to go and collect the outlaws from the airport.
Back home to marzipan the cake tonight and finish watching Strictly. Only two more days to go at work.
This week’s theme is Xmas so here is the prep work for Santa coming on Wednesday. Just need to get some carrots for the reindeers and we should be sorted.
On another note this completes the frist ever 365 for me, when I have caught up posting the blips in the camera. Last year I missed 6 days the last one being on the 22 Dec. Woo Hoo. Didn't think Id make it this year either.

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