The bubble

By Phini

Making the effort

I woke up today for the first time in a long time thinking I might be starting to get my mojo back. I've been incredibly lazy for a good three months with my blips... And quite possibly life in general.

I have of course totally blamed my fibromyalgia for this fog I have been in that saps all my energy and takes my smiles away. Today though I had a glimpse the mist is clearing.

To celebrate I cleaned all the windows inside the house this morning from top I toe, all 29 of them.
I then walked the dogs, did some shopping, washing and hoovered and dusted and wrapped pressies. It came as a not of a shock when cat text to say they were collecting us on the way past to go for drinks at hamptons. I had no idea I was going.

I hauled my drained sweaty mess of a body up to the shower. I managed to get hold of husband who was now in another pub from the one he arrived at at 12 pm. Surveyors sure know how to drink and socialise so its a bit of a nightmare husband was with the whole town of them on their annual Christmas drinks.

Cat n micks daughter has made me the most lovely sponge bob pop up card in her the design class. Lovely suprise plus a pressie from cat. Naughty.

Husband managed to arrive shortly after six. I'm glad I made the effort everyone was really lovely and it cheered me up and got some festive spirit. Mom was right, it is good to socialise.

Afterwards we went with cat and mick to the bacon arms. A pub I have never been to. Pleasantly surprised and the staff were proper old fashioned friendly. Cat did a particularly crap job of pouring her half into her pint. This is now husbands fourth drinking hole of the day.

Curry for tea tonight. Not complaining but have made the executive decision we will be having a lot less takeaways in the new year.

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