Play - with family

I am not one to post family line-ups - however - it is holidays, ours is not together with all its numbers represented often - and geez they are FUN! The three grandkids, all great gangling teens still cavort like a bunch of wild horses, the three daughters two through husband, the dark haired ones, and the third in front thru me have become the best of buddies. And rest assured, it was not always the Brady Bunch in this family. And two fabulous husbands, to round out the group.

So - loving them, the time together, the knowledge that so many are able to gather with their closest most long lived connections at this time! I chose to hang them out there for all to see. And used my new tripod as of last September, for the first time - just a poke in using new stuff! It did the trick! Maybe I will try a series of dark shots with the tripod - something for me to think about!

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