Through my Eyes

By Kelso

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care..

Thanks so much for sending yesterday's blip of our Christmas tree to the Spotlight. I really do think it would be wonderful if we could have a blipfoto holiday together.

I love finding the items to fill the stockings and I think it is the kids' favorite part of Christmas. The woman who knitted the stockings for me is 82 years old, and says she likes to knit as it helps her arthritis. I think she did a magnificent job.

I am as excited as the youngest ones in our family. The giving of gifts, and being together, is the real joy.

It's funny, our house is really not that big, so we set up tables in the living room in addition to the dining room table for Christmas dinner. My nephew is 36, and he keeps asking me why he still is sitting at the kids' table!

Enjoy the preparation, everyone, it will come and go in a flash.

For a full-on view of the stockings, click here.

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