Happy Holidays!

At last I am sleeping better, feeling good when I get up in the morning (even when I have to make my cappuccino with condensed milk because I keep forgetting to get more), and not feeling exhausted by 6pm. I went to my PIlates session tis morning and feeling further restored when I was finished, ventured downtown on foot to Peet's and the shops. Since my neighbor said he'd rather go to jail than go to the mall, I didn't entertain the notion of going there. I don't like it even when it's not two days before Christmas.

As I wandered the street, I saw Santa Claus driving a red Ford Explorer and a homeless man pushing a shopping cart meticulously decorated with garlands of red tinsel. The shops were busy, and there was lots of help on hand to assist last minute shoppers. One couple was expecting the imminent birth of their first grandchild, while sever shoppers confessed that they were shopping for themselves.

When I got home I was greeted by Ozzie with his new Christmas Beaver from Hank the dog down the street. Dogs must have their own ideas about what constitutes a perfect Christmas mascot, now that the birth of Christ seems to be politically incorrect. But really, a beaver? With a candy cane? No stranger, I suppose, than a fat bearded man, on a sleigh drawn by flying reindeer, delivering presents down the chimney!

So Ozzie wishes you all Happy Holidays whether you celebrate Jesus, Allah, Jaweh , Buddha , Shiva or a beaver!

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