
By cracker

Wet n Wild!

This morning we packed up all our stuff, checked out then went to the park down the road for a play. We then went to the theme park Wet n Wild and got there just as it was opening! We set up our stuff near the littlw kids play area and then Craig and Harry went off again to do some scary rides. Spence, Harry, Craig and I went on a water slide where you sit in a tube and then go through a tunnel down into the pool at the bottom! I have been so impressed with Spence and him being willing to give some 'scary' things a go! And he loves it!!

We had a go on a ride where there are 8 lanes and you lay on a mat and race to see who gets down the bottom first then Fleur, Leo, Spence, Teddy and me went to the lazy lagoon where you get in inner tubes and float around in a circle with heaps of other people! There are a few places around the circuit that you can get on and off. Teddy and Spence ended up going ahead of us and after a couple of laps I got out to find them then once I had caught up with them we got out and waited for Fleur and Leo to come around.

The boys wanted to keep going so they got back in and Fleur and Leo went in too while I got out to go back to Kaz to see of Joti was awake yet and if they wanted to come too. Joti was still sleeping so I sat with Kaz for a bit then Joti woke up so we all went over to the Lagoon to see the others. By that stage Harry and Craig had finished their ride and were at the Lagoon too. When Kaz and I got there, Fleur came over just as we were about get in the water and asked if we had seen Spence go past. We hadn't and she said that she had been waiting at one entry to find him but hadn't seen him for ages. We got a bit worried then and split up to look for him. We still couldn't find him so eventually after talking to the life guards, I went to the centre management and reported him missing. They put a call out to all the life guards to be in the lookout and we continued to search for him. It had been about half an hour by this time as we were silently freaking out a bit! Eventually Kaz found him walking out of the Lagoon area and he wasn't worried at all. He said he had been in the water the whole time going around the circuit looking for Teddy who had become separated from. We were all very relieved and didn't let him out of our sight for the rest of the day!

We left at about 2 then drove home. Spence slept the whole way which was great but Joti was awake for the whole trip as she had slept for 2 1/2 hours in the morning!

Here is the kids play area where we set up our stuff.

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