
By cracker

Getting Closer!!

We must have exhausted Joti last night at Carols because she didn't wake up until nearly 7 this morning! She usually wakes up at 5! Joti went to daycare today and Spence and I met Fleur and the kids at the park for a play then went back to their house and had a swim and a play. After lunch the kids did some xmas craft then we had to go home and pick Joti up from daycare!

Bron and Holly came over at 3.30 and looked after the kids so Kaz and I could go to the movies! We saw Delivery Man which was ok, it was just great to be out and about without the kids!!

We came home about 8 and then spent the next three hours wrapping a million presents! At one point we ran out of sticky tape but luckily after some searching we found another roll!! It is so exciting!! I can't wait for xmas morning!!!

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