Rain, rain go away

It was difficult to wake up this morning with the rain and dark skies. It didn’t just rain, it poured. Once I dragged myself out of the house, I spent most of the day in the car running errands. Living in one of the most densely populated areas in the country, I spent a lot of my time sitting in traffic.
Everyone has apparently waited until the very last minute to do their shopping.
I still didn’t need a jacket today. Warm temperatures prevailed. The problem is that once you get wet from the rain, you get cold. I think the rain soaked me three different times and each time I would finally dry off, I had to run out of the car again. It was windy so an umbrella wasn’t of much use. I looked like a drowned rat by the end of the day.
My parents stopped by after I got home. My mom, who takes art classes with me, had a painting she finished and wanted to make holiday cards from it. So I photographed the painting, uploaded it to my computer and then sent it over the internet to the photo shop. The cards would be ready in one hour! Amazing how easy it was. You can see the painting here.
Tomorrow will be a busy day but I hope to get my blip uploaded by late evening.

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