The Mediterranean, Antalya, Turkey

After 36 hours of not sleeping ... what a sight, don't you think? I was so anxious about missing the flight this morning that I just could not allow myself to fall into deep sleep. Hubby didn't have any problems at all, but now he's having a pre-dinner snooze ... I wonder if I'll be able to wake him in about an hour.

This was shot close to the water at Lara Park in the old city centre. The 5-star hotels are at the beach front some 10 km. away. The cam was in 'Toy Mode'.

And so this is how we are spending Christmas Eve ... our time to be together, away from work and the household, to think and reflect on the past year and acknowledge our inner courage to face the next. We wish everyone a wonderful Christmas with loads of quality time together, at peace with the past, present and future.

Merhaba from Turkey!

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