mad on pic taking too

By Madonskis

Another bluebird day..

..but very windy going up in the gondola which was a bit hairy!
When we got to the top it didn't feel quite so bad but we stayed on the lower level rather than risk getting stuck up the very top if they closed the lifts - which they did at lunchtime!
We'd noticed the wind was getting stronger so we came down into the village for lunch. They'd stopped people going up so we were lucky!
Only three if us had gone skiing today - the others went swimming so we all met up for a pizza and a siesta. I'm now doing a quick blip before dinner - red lentil and coconut soup, chicken and leek pie and can't remember what's for pud..* At this rate I shall go home a stone heavier! Must get more skiing in!!
Happy Christmas Eve everyone. :-)

* Eton mess and it was delicious!!!

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