Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

I'm melting

Got into work late today as I had some hours in the bank. Spent the morning looking busy but not doing much. Managed to win a bottle of wine in the office raffle. Left at 12.30 and manage to get over the Forth Road Bridge before the wind picked up too much.

Came home to start on the cooking. Managed to get the following sorted
Glazed gammon
Light goose gravy
Pots part boiled for tomorrow.
Parsnips part boiled and in the flour and Parmesan
Sausages marinating in the sweet chilli and soy sauce
Pig wrapped up in their blanks
Goose is in his baking tray impaled on temperature probes
J cooked Crème brûlée for her and her Dad for desert tomorrow
The beef wellington, which was prepped yesterday, was finally cooked and tasted great.

While I was waiting for the Beef I decided to ice the Christmas cake. Not saying it was hot in the kitchen but after leaving the snowman out on top for a while he had melted all over the cake and didn't look happy.

Time to sit down with a dram and watch some TV.
Merry Christmas.

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