So This is Christmas....

in the Big Hill household!!!

I must have jinxed us yesterday with my ....Thank god i'm not in Toronto....commment! We lost power around biggie....get out the crackers, oysters, cheese and other good things.....estimated time of restoration, 8pm! by 11 pm we were still in the dark....candles on, propane lantern was on so it wasn't really that dark. Still no real biggie!!!! I headed to bed around 11.30 cos now the estimated time of restoration was 1 am!!!

Around 3 am i woke needing to pee.... and yeah, lights were on! i padded out into the living room to turn off the lights that were now on and heard a very a nasty sound......running water !!! Woke up Terry and we discovered that the water tank in the upstairs bathroom was leaking!
So there we were from 3 - 4sh this morning dealing with a bit of a disaster! It could have been so much worse and for once i am very thankful i have a tiny bladder :P

So this is the view of the kitchen first thing this morning.....made me laugh as i read a lot of yesterday's comments.....oh well, as i said it could have been a much bigger disaster.

All we have to deal with is cleaning up the mess, preparing dinner for 7 folks.....with no hot water! Again, it could be worse....we do have the bathroom at the back of the house, near our bedroom that does have hot water!!

I hope everyone is enjoying their Christmas day, wherever you are :)

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