
By Wendywoo2

An amazing Christmas

This has been a perfect day! Many photos to share but this one made my day. Got my husband some DJ equipment which is what he wanted more than anything and he cried when he opened it. It certainly feels your heart with joy when u give rather than receive a present!!!
Today has been amazing. We had a wonderful breakfast of eggs Benedict and Buck's Fizz which started the day off well! Then shared our presents which is always a wonderful event but Neil loving his gift so much made my day. Then off to my sisters for family lunch. It was great to have everyone together and we had a wonderful Christmas lunch. Great presents from my sister, nephews and my mum. We were well and Truly spoilt. Just waiting for the games to start this evening.
I hope everyone in blip world has had a magical Christmas like us and enjoy the rest of this day.
Merry Christmas one and all xxxx

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