T's journey.

By cloudwave

I guess that's it then for another year.

I think next year I would like to drive to the coast and have a picnic.
My daughter Brooke spent all her time on her laptop, wasn't in a particularly good mood with a hangover from hell and has now gone with additional wine and beer in hand to party at her friends. My son Brent is chilling on the sofa and I'm just about to have a bath and think about bed as I have to be up at 4am for work.
Michael didn't come because he has been throwing up since yesterday and can't get out of his bed but I would like to thank Brent and his beautiful girl Sophia for my basket of goodies, so thoughtful. I made gift baskets this year and Sophia it turns out did the same. Great minds....
I can't thank Brooke for her present because she told me it's going in the sale tomorrow so she didn't want to buy it yesterday. Oh well...
All in all another family Christmas I guess, how was your day fellow bleeps?
Merry Christmas one and all, after all; tis the season to be jolly.........
My mum is coming for new year and so it seems is my elder brother who when we thought back realised we haven't seen each other since our Aunty Jeans funeral 2005.
He's bringing his new girl with him, 4 years they've been together and she and I spoke this morning for the first time. I could go on forever but you would lose track and be extremely bored so I'll leave you now and bid you goodnight.

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