The Blackcountry Man

By brickmaker

The Baby is Born.....

Once all the visitors had gone there was a crying of a small baby was heard coming from the Stable. Baby Jesus was born to Mary and Joseph, all the animals were very happy for the couple, the camel, the Donkey and all those Ruddy Sheep.

The Wise Men and the Shepherds came to visit and pay homage to the little baby, and the Angel was praying for the little boy too.

The Inn Keeper and his wife were very relived that is was all over for another year.

The Angel was heard to pray for the following:-

Peace on Earth.

Love for our fellow mankind.

Happiness for everyone.

And this brings and end to my take on the Nativity for another year.
I must admit to taking a liking to dressing up in silly costumes, so does Maddi,
Mrs BM on the other hand thinks we are a bit weird.

Normal Blips from now on.

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