Wild Swan; Just a glimpse of home

Just a glimpse of home...

I managed to slip away for an hour and answer the calling of my mistress, the river. I needed to get away from the bustle of the day, the frenetic energy of everyone as they gathered for the festivities. As tradition dictates we all dutifully made our way to my aunts for a light lunch, presents exchanged, twins, hyper, dad, quiet, reflective, watching the reactions and the dynamics of the family together.

The rain was off for just long enough to walk briefly, I could hear the fluting of the swans and followed their call, quietly standing watching them as they drifted with the river. I shot a few frames then all to soon I have to head back to the reality of the day.

I hope you enjoy the shot, again one shot for my friend, a simple glimpse of home... From me to you have a peaceful Christmas

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