
By cracker


Spence was the first one awake at about 5.45 this morning and then we had until Joti woke up at 6.15 before we could open any presents!! Spence had come in saying that Santa had been and there were so many presents under the tree!

We got up and the unwrapping began!! Joti was still half asleep but did a good job unwrapping some of her presents! Spence was very excited and got so many cool things! Kaz and I gave each other heaps of stuff too. We love it!! We almost forgot to put the pork into the oven so it would cook in time for us to take it to the park for lunch!

We left home just before 11 and went to Currimundi Park where we met my cousins and their families and my aunt and uncle. It was such a lovely relaxing day! The weather was perfect, we had kayaks, stand up paddle boards, a half court basketball court, a playground and so much food!! We all had an awesome time!! We were there until about 3.30 then came home for some quiet time and the kids played with their new toys.

The kids were exhausted and once they were in bed Kaz and I watched The Heat with Sandra Bullock. Very funny movie!

Here is Spencer, Joti and me playing with some of the resents we had opened so far!! Lego and Peppa Pig were the favourites!!

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