Dribs and Drabs of 2014

By RodgerEvans01

Travel Triptych

"T" and I spent the better part of Xmas Eve day travelling from Halifax to the homeland (Guelph vis Toronto Island Airport).

Our flight from Halifax to Montreal was delayed 90 min. "T" spent that time cruising the hallways of the airport looking for shiny things to stick in her ears for the holidays.

When we landed in Montreal I thought it might be a good idea to take some pics of the takeoff as our landing was quite spectacular coming over Montreal. "T" thought this was a bad idea considering we aren't supposed to have electronics out during take-off. As I practiced I realized there was a huge gash in one of the tires. Minutes earlier someone had walked around with a flashlight checking things out. How did they not see the gash in the tire?? "T" thought all was OK as there are two tires, and that one wasn't flat.

I also tried to do something artistic with the interior of the plane as we waited for the second group to board for the leg to Toronto, thus the sign about the life jackets. As we flew into Toronto Island, there's a lot of time spent over Lake Ontario. "T" was quite nervous that we were spending so much time over the water. This coming from the same woman that would prefer to jump out of a perfectly good plane with a sheet on her back...

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