Boxing Day

This Christmas has been all about family.

We were out Christmas Eve with Mr A's family; Christmas lunch with my mum; Christmas night back with Mr A's family and today with my Dad & Stepmum.

The only people I've missed are my sister and Theo, but since I've been full of a cold, I thought it best to stay away as I don't want to pass my bugs onto him.

Yesterday was fab as we had 3 separate stints of giving & receiving presents. Mr A got me a pink leather motorbike jacket told you he was a keeper! but the best present of the day had to be the concert tickets we got for Mr A's sister.
We have lied through our teeth for three months about these tickets; telling her it was a sell out and we didn't get any. In truth it was sold out within minutes but we managed to get some before it did.
To see her reaction upon opening them click here!

Today's blip is my Dads Christmas tree; since I've spent most of the day in front of it!

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