Moments in a minor key

By Dcred


A sharp frost had painted the village white this morning, undeterred I decided we should go and watch the Boxing Day Bathers on Seaburn Beach, if they could face a dip in the freezing North Sea the least we could do is wrap up warm and watch them. True to form these brave souls of the North East stripped for queen & country and raised several thousand pounds for charity.
Two things happened that make todays blip a little poorer than I wanted, firstly, because my wife, being of the female persuasion, took so long to get ready, I didn't have enough time to get closer to the action, secondly, because we were later in leaving, the other car in the convoy (the locals) had already left and we ended up on two different beaches, seems that Seaham also have a Boxing Day splash about & had I gone there I again could have got in close to take a few shots, hey ho! there are a few more photos here
Finished the morning off with Bacon Rolls & Coffee, highly recommended on a cold morning, back to Yorkshire this afternoon, its been a grand couple of days.

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