The horse with no name

Would you Adam-and-Eve it?! Last night I lost a filling on a front tooth while eating a piece of chocolate! No ordinary chocolate, but special Danish chocolate, courtesy of D#1, with crunchy bits of caramel that break your teeth...

That's why I was walking into the village this morning, bound for an emergency appointment at the dentist's, when I met Penny out for a ride.

It's not true that he doesn't have a name. Of course he has a name, but I've forgotten it, and I thought Penny would be hurt/annoyed/offended that I couldn't remember it, so I didn't ask. He looks a bit scruffy here because he's wet, but he's still rather handsome and you can see his lovely long eyelashes.

The good news is that my broken tooth has been repaired and I can smile again! :-)

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