
Also known as 'any excuse for David to use his new toys!'.

Jen's Dad was back at work and Jen and her mum popped into Aberdeen for a look at the shops so I was left to do whatever I might fancy for the day.

This was my plan
- Good coffee at a nice wee coffee shop in Inverurie
- Buy new shoe laces (rock 'n roll!)
- Come home and play with my new toys for my camera

Simple and fun!

Spent an hour or so attaching bits of Velcro to my flash gun and flash gels (in all its glory here). Then spent the rest of the time playing with the new wireless flash triggers Santa brought me. They worked perfectly!

Enjoyed taking pictures of the tree decorations (all Disney characters). I think the Beast was the most photogenic.

We'll be at my cousin's wedding tomorrow and we are very much looking forward to seeing family that we haven't seen in a long time. Weddings are always so much fun!

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