
By Grimsayer

A damned close run thing....

.. to get a photo at all today. The phone line was down for several hours and without that there would be no blip. Hurrah we hear you say. A more serious problem is that as a consequence the alarm system bleeps loudly all around the house - and in our bedroom - every thirty seconds and the only thing the alarm company do is say get the phone fixed. Or get an engineer out at our expense as of course it is not their fault. Not fitting an override on the phone alarm system some would think is their fault but who am I to question!
On the way down to Ashburton we bumped into the phone engineer who ruefully opened his window to explain to us the problem. A local farmer had dug a big hole in his field to bury a horse and had cut through the telephone line. As a consequence the engineer was having to work in a hole shared with a dead horse to fix the fault. Not I expect a situation in the BT training courses or recruitment information. I suspect spurred on (unintentional sorry) by his (dead) companion the fault was speedily rectified. The things people do to get the blip through.
The photo itself is on Sharp Tor and with the light and colours,I could almost imagine a leopard in the tree and gazelles underneath the savannah that is Dartmoor.

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