
By dfb24

Pine Tree

What a Friday! One of our co-workers called in absent this morning, as she'd spent the night in the emergency room with her 23 y.o. daughter. Her daughter was out with friends last night, was sitting on a stool with her legs tucked in the foot rest, and some guy came pushing past & accidentally knocked her over. She couldn't get her leg free as she fell, & she fractured her fibula, so was taken to the hospital. Then our co-worker who was working from 8-4:30 came limping in--she fell walking to her car in her driveway & hurt her ankle! Bless her heart, she knew it was busy so she came in anyway, but was in a lot of pain. She'd planned to go to the employee walk-in clinic, but it was closed! We wrapped it up in an ace wrap & sent her home, so we were twice as short-staffed! But we made it though, as we always do, & at least we've got the weekend to relax! Took this shot of the pine tree on my way home! It was sunny out for most of the day, so it's lost some of it's snowy cover! I really liked the large cluster of pine cones up near the top! Hope you all have a great weekend, & stay off stools & slippery surfaces!! :)

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