Smile on!

By Silverpritt

Gingerbread House II

Little A found a gingerbread man somewhere in her toy chest this morning, and ran towards our little gingerbread house village in excitement. In her typical soft spoken voice she told the gingerbread man to eat the candies and then go inside his home. I was just surprised that she was able to make the connection between the gingerbread man and the house. Obviously she would have to know the names of these objects before she could connect the two. I just wasn't aware she knew.

Afternoon was tantrum time for little A as usual. We all got sick of her crying... After I told her I love her, validated her feelings and asked her nicely to stop crying, there was no signs of her stopping. OO came to the rescue on her own accord! She went over and started to tell little A to calm down, and showed her how to breathe. Then when little A paused, OO praised her. But when the sobs threatened to return, OO coached her to "hold it, hold it", and breathe... When she felt her crying has subsided completely, she grabbed a funny musical birthday card and showed her the bouncy cupcakes. Finally little A was all smiles again.

I deliberately turned my back and pretended I didn't see it, just to see what's in OO's bag of tricks. I must say I'm impressed!

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