
By cracker


We spent the morning faffing about, playing with stuff and Spence got to play Lego Batman on the Playstation 2.

We decided to go to Underwater World and use the annual pass that Fleur got us for Xmas but when we got there it was so busy with a line out the door and no car parks! We decided to give it a miss for today and went treasure hunting (geocaching) instead!

Joti was asleep for the whole time but Spence took turns going out finding treasure with Kaz and I and we found all four that we went looking for!

We came home, went for a swim then my aunt and uncle, Annette and Neil, came over so that Neil could look at the hole I made in the caravan by driving it into the wall of the garage! Neil seems to think he can fix it quite easily so that's good!

Here is Joti in her new Dora dress that Grandma Sue sent her!

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