Sue Foll's picture of the day

By POD2008

Graveyard of lost souls

This place breaks my heart.

Walking distance from London Bridge, I was unaware of this site until my mate Reg, the folk singer told me about it.

On the gates hand ribbons and tributes to the 15,000 outcast dead of London who lie buried below. with bodies dating back to the 16th Century, many were women and children under the age of 6. The Bishop of Winchester governed the local area of this time, licencing local businesses including prostitution and brothels as well as the better known local theatres.

The prostitute girls, known as Winchester Geese, were riddled with disease (the syphilitic pustules of their skin, known as goose bumps). Ironically although they paid taxes to the Bishop, they were denied the rites of a Christian burial and their bodies placed in this ground.

The cemetery was closed in the late 1800's and the land put up for sale.

Not until TFL initiated the Jubilee Line extension was the site fully discovered. Since then people have been leaving their tributes.

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