stowed configuration

The period of erratic sleepliness looms so largely in my memories of the 2010 one that the 2013 one seems hyper-sleepy in comparison, notwithstanding his occasional griping at being propped on a shoulder (usually the most effective place to get him to sleep on me) resulting in rotation through various other locations until he decides to be happy being held on his front with his limbs dangling after a couple of tries. He's also particularly good at sensing when the shoulder he's sitting on is attached to someone who is sitting down rather than walking about, even when the exact same sort of rocking is simulated and the shoulder's angle is the same as it would be when being walked. It frequently bring to mind the arm-rest frame-things old-fangled photographers would instal in their studios to allow people to pretend to be resting casually against a mantelpiece for lengthy old-fangled exposure durations without getting armache or drooping.

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