We'll (Blip)Meet again!

Today I travelled to Ramsbottom for a blip meet with FisherKing and A Plumbers Wife.

The weather and winding scarily steep roads aside, it was a great day.

For me, it was lovely to put faces (and real names) to names and find out a little bit more about the people who so kindly share snippets of their life with me every day. We chatted about our lives in general & also how we came to Blip.

We had a wander round Ramsbottom itself; it's a great little town, before stopping off for a much needed warm up coffee.

On the way back towards the station, we spotted this 1936 AJS 350 and as we admired it, the owner returned. He was a character!! He told us how he had 10 motorbikes, all fully restored by him; this was his hobby which he proclaimed stopped him from 'drinking beer and chasing girls'!

FisherKing had good local knowledge and luckily for us had picked a day when the steam trains were running, so we headed back to the station to see the next one arrive.

The platform had been deserted earlier in the afternoon, but had a decent crowd when we returned to see the train.

I enjoyed seeing them fill the engine from the water tank and also watched the guy in the signal box operating all the levers to change signals and close the level crossing to traffic.
Mr A - you've turned me into a trainspotter!

I've used a filter on this (the same I used on 19th Dec blip) as I really like the picture postcard effect.

I hope we can arrange another meet at some warmer point in future.

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