Warning ..........

........ bad pun alert .... skip to the bottom now if you don't want to groan!!

I was very lacking in photo skills this morning - took a LOT of shots that did not come out as I'd hoped so decided ( ...... here it comes ..... )

...... Thistle have to do!!

Separated from the Christmas flowers, in a single vase, on the windowsill with the bright blue sky behind. Camera on tripod, me crawling about on the floor trying to get the right angle - post-processing was a small crop, converted to mono (a one-click jobby) and a slight sharpen .... so definitely not SOOC - lol!!

Still not totally happy with it but it makes a change for me to do b/w - and it's not as bad as I feared when you get up close to the pointy bits ....

If you want to see a truly beautiful silhouette today look HERE .....

NIKON D5200 : f/8 : 1/50" : 50mm : ISO 100

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