A walk

A nice (slow) walk to the beach today, even 2,2km with one crutch - and felt marvellous! The knee hurted a bit on the way back, but I do not mind. I can live with it and getting better all the time after the injury...

There was ducks swimming in the free water, had one decent shot with the sun flares on the water too. The lake had only partly thin ice cover. Some men also swimming in the cold water far from the ducks. Weeds are brown and almost creen partly, and the wind blew from south-west... I wonder how long this warm weather can continue. It could easily be some -10c in this late december. Today however +3c and only partly cloudy.

Heading to visit our friends in the afternoon. See you later today - in the evening, I hope. Or tomorrow... As I get back home ;)


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