My lucky day

It's definitely my lucky day. First I heard from an old friend in South Africa - it's really great to be in touch with her again after too long.

Then I nearly lost my camera! We went down to the supermarket which begins with W to do some shopping and have the second in our series of end-of-year coffees. We were chatting with friends we bumped into there and so I wasn't concentrating as we stood up from the café. As we went round doing our shopping I suddenly realised something was missing - my camera!! I rushed back to the café - no camera. But thank goodness someone had handed it in - I wish I could thank that kind person personally. Scary five minutes!

These pink berries are on a tree on the edge of the supermarket carpark. It's some kind of Sorbus (Mountain Ash) - possibly called Pink Pagoda.

Hope you're all having a good Sunday, blippers!

If you have half a minute, look here for a tiny Christmas story. Only do it today - tomorrow there'll be a different story!

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