Chia Pets

Today started with Crayola airbrush painting and from there it went to rubber band bracelets and a viewing of Despicable Me 2. Can you guess what I was doing? Yes, you guessed it, babysitting.
It was a good thing that there were plenty of Christmas gifts to play with today since it was pouring rain the entire day. I did manage to cook a nice pot roast dinner, which had the house smelling so good all afternoon.
One of the things we did was the SpongeBob Chia Pet that I used for today’s blip. I could not believe it when I saw this was a request from my grandson on his Christmas list. I used to wonder who bought these things. Apparently, I do now! They have been around since the 80’s but my own children never asked for one so I never had the pleasure of growing one before.
They are terracotta figurines used to sprout chia. Moistened chia seeds are applied to the grooved areas of the terra cotta figurine. In a couple of weeks, you have chia hair! The kids have to water it daily and there is a little patience necessary, but when the seeds start to sprout there should be happy grandchildren.
I am sitting with my feet up after cleaning up from dinner and being relieved of babysitting duties. I feel like I put in a full day. The rain is still coming down but inside is warm and cozy. It is time for some well-earned grownup TV and catching up on my Blip comments.

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