
By McCombers

Organisation and Prettiness

Today I made one of my favourite trips. Not Disneyland, not New York. Better. Paperchase!

I needed a 2014 calendar (a purchase which requires more consideration than you might think - is it too heavy for my hadbag, is there enough lines per day, does it turn easily an efficiently - to name but a few) and so I set off to the place where organisation and prettiness come together to make masterpieces.

While I was there I faced a dilemma. Should I buy a desk pad or a weekly to do list pad. In the end I went for the to do list pad.

I also bought a day by day calendar for my desk entitle 'Women's Wit'. I got that from another favourite of mine, and the place that always makes me feel festive, the Calendar Club.

My desk is gonna be so awesome in 2014!

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