Glittery occasion

Two years ago I decided to join some lovely facebook / DSLR friends on a 365 challenge on Blip. After completing the year (actually 366 days) I couldn't imagine stopping - so here I am at 730 consecutive blips.

The second year has been far harder than the first - lack of photography mojo, lack of time, lack of confidence on some occasions - but I've made it!

Along the way I have made some lovely blip friends, learnt a bit about photography, and above all learned to really look at the world around me - always on the look out for a blip makes you see things differently. There have been 'ups and downs' - a few great shots. lots of average ones and some truly awful ones. My favourites this year have been:

Cold and frosty morning
A bit of sun
Quiet night
Daisy daisy
In a spin

I would like to thank those that have taken time to drop by and comment, occasionally leave stars. It really is appreciated and I can only apologise (again!) for not having time to comment regularly. Your comments really do leave a smile on my face. I also need to thank my family (this sounds like an Oscar acceptance!) for their patience.

Last month I vowed to quit at 2 years - but I think I will give a third 365 a go. I'm not sure I will complete it but I need to fall back in love with my camera and challenge myself again. It would be sad to leave the blip community, and my camera is my one escape when I truly get time to use it.

So congratulations to all my fellow blip day blippers, see you again in 2014 (and tomorrow of course!)

This is a bit contrived - but it's Christmas and Christmas means glitter and tinsel - and Lottie was only too happy to help.

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