The bubble

By Phini

Christmas visit to dales

We put the turkey in the oven this morning that husband had been given as a thank you. Really I should have frozen it until we were ready to use it properly. But hey that would be sensible and it is Christmas after all. When all good turkeys should be consumed. I've decided after Christmas I'm going to try and be meat free and maybe just eat fish. I feel quite guilty I love meat so much and I will respect this budgies life by eating it so that its life was not wasted. But yes definitely in the new year I will try wry hard to eat less.

Charlotte and I walked the boys across the park and down the canal into town. The torrential rain and wind in the night had left us with beautiful blue sky.

Charlotte bought us both festive flavoured coffees from Starbucks.

Poor husband was stuck in the study doing our tax returns and drawing up plans. At least thy will be out of the way for Christmas.

We made lunch, checked the turkey then shot off up to ems to drop in her Christmas pressie and see the parentals new abode.

It is absolutely awesome. Everywhere a gorgeous feast for the eyes. Can't wait to see it once they are fully settled and unpacked.

I have a very heavy pressie bag from em. I shall be good and put under my tree.

Turkey was a tad dry. Still better to over cook than under cook.

My first sprouts of the season, a log fire and two festive Christmas films. My lovely husband and boys. I'm very lucky. I feel very sad for the tramp over the road. I saw a Christmas present bag in his doorway. I hope he is getting warm food from somewhere its quite heartbreaking.

It seems the security team are happy for him to sleep in his little fire escape he has made home. I'm sure I must have a spare blanket somewhere. He has been there for three months now and we have not seen him once but every day I pass his sleeping stash is always folded neatly in a different way from the previous. I wish he or she had a family they could turn to. Who knows the stories of these people. I hope he finds a home soon. Its tragic I have so much and this person 200 feet away has nothing.

Husband always says you're only ever two pay packets away from loosing it all. Makes you think.

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