
By wingpig


I've been past this a few times and taken pictures which have never quite made it to Blip stage. Rather than let it become another padlocked-bollard-down-quarry-close (fifteen passes so far and never blipped) I'll get it over with today then head out into the nice dampness for a run whilst Nicky has her shot on the computer.

There are enough spare components sitting around to build a second little one which I was going to do anyway at some point to have a nice wee low-power serverette which can sit in the cupboard and download things and incidentally provide a second internet-capable computing facility for use when this one is busy. HMMM. Unfortunately the old monitor is still having problems showing all colours simultaneously. Still better than nothing.

Might write a bit more later or in the morning. Or not. Who knows?

BTW if you're anywhere near the Filmhouse there's an interesting picture on the wall in the right-hand nook of the café.

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