
By LoveroftheLight

Made it to 365!

Day 31 December 2013 Challenge: New Year's Resolution

This year has been an amazing one for me, photographically speaking. When I started blipping on January 1st (although I didn't actually open an account and start posting until the 3d) I was still using a point-and-shoot camera. Although I'd used an SLR in the past, I didn't have the budget to splash out on a digital one. I had no idea if I'd manage to take a photograph every day, but was determined to give it a go.

365 days later, and I've managed it! Both a photo a day, and to acquire a DSLR camera. It was almost sad today to have to revert to the point and shoot camera to take this blip.

My resolution this year is to use the P setting a whole lot more, what I still think of as fully manual, and to rely less on the 'the camera's controlling everything except where it's facing' settings.

Thank you to everyone that has commented on my blips over the past 12 months, it has meant a lot to me, and also thank you so much for all the stars you've given my blips, they are truly appreciated.

I've had fun every day for the last few months following the challenge themes set by some wonderful blippers, for which I thank them. It has certainly stretched my repertoire beyond my usual nature and landscapes, and for that I thank you.

Looking forward to this coming year, I don't know how much will be challenges, and how much just shots I happen to take that day, but I do know I will be blipping for quite some time to come.

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