Andy's Photo Journal

By andmoff

Another year over and still in the flat land.

Quite a few ups and downs. Kids doing great. Shite situation at work. Great holidays and climbing. The wee Yank was in residence, the old Yank came to visit. Other stuff not that important in the scheme of things not coming together but annoying all the same.

Not been a great year with the photography but the one thing I've learnt is I'm not as good as I thought. Not a bad thing to learn even if your ego takes a wee bruise. I've not been that active on blip as have been, the place has changed. A good few old blip friends are now strangers but I still have good mates that I've met on here. I'm glad I've got them subbed as otherwise there is a whole load of shite on here to wade through for diamonds, and unfortunately these diamonds are often ignored. But blip is what it is now I guess.

So here's to 2014. Im going to shoot more. My stuff. Will 2014 be the year for that difficult second album? I also want to drink beer and talk shite more often with good people. I'll start tonight……..

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